Folkert Rasch »Seascapes« 03 July until 08 August 2021 The vernissage with the artist will take place on 03 July between 17:00 and 22:00. Hermannstr. 23 | 40233 Düsseldorf
Anna Lena Straube »Thinking about Eve« 19 April until 26 June 2021 The finissage with the artist will take place on 25 June between 18:00 and 22:00. Hermannstr. 23 | 40233 Düsseldorf
Katharina Mayer »Of the Essence of the Veil« 5 Dec. 2020 The artist will be present at the opening Foto & book launch Hermannstr. 23 | 40233 Düsseldorf
Ryo Kato »The catastrophe as an opportunity« 6 Sep. 2020 Der Künstler ist zur Eröffnung anwesend Vernissage 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr Parktheater der Stadt Iserlohn Alexanderhöhe 3 | 58644 Iserlohn
New Spaces of Gallery Bengelsträter 13 Aug. 2020 Opening with Silke Leverkühne, Stefan Pietryga, Fernand Roda & Wang Shugang The artists will be present at the opening Hermannstr. 23 | 40233 Düsseldorf
ISA DAHL LichtRäume 24 Nov. 2019 12:30 Dialogue between artist and gallerist Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 20 | 58636 Iserlohn
STEFAN PIETRYA 8x8 | Bilder & Skulpturen 17. March 2019 12:30 Dialogue between artist and gallerist Cecilienallee 39 | 40474 Düsseldorf